Monday, September 30, 2013

Blue Bird House Plans - Make That Special Bird House That Attract Blue Birds

Blue bird house plans are a great help to find out what kind of bird house to build to attract a specific kind of birds. I always taught that bird houses were all the same, except for the style that we want them to have. I was wrong. Birds are looking for certain criteria before moving in and make their nest.

I have made several kind of bird houses just by doing them without plans because they are not complicated to make. Then I noticed that no birds were attracted to them. So I did some research and I found out that Western Blue Birds are looking for a deeper cavity to nest in.

The Basic Blue Bird House

Basically it has to be an upright rectangular box with a roof on top installed at a 45 degree angle. The hole should be as close to the top as possible to provide bluebirds the deep cavity they are looking for and some protection above the entrance. Installing hinges to secure the roof top instead of nails is a great idea to make the house easier to clean. It is important to remove any debris in the spring from the previous occupants otherwise new ones wont build their nest into it.

When making the floor, round the corners to provide ventilation inside the blue bird house. Be careful not to round them too much to make sure mice and snakes wont have enough space to get in and eat the eggs. Also remember that this is a specie of birds that don't need a perch under the hole. They rather grip themselves to the rough wood and will not nest in a house equipped with a perch.

Material to Use to Build the Bird House

The ideal material to build it is older wood. Do not use wood that has paint, glue or anything that has chemical on it. It must be real, natural wood. Avoid using metal, plastic, glass or treated wood. The very best material is older, rough wood.

The reason why rough wood is better is that it provides a rough surface for the birds to get a good grip to exit the nest. A smooth material may trap them inside the box and endanger their lives. However, make sure there are no spikes or nails sticking out of the walls of the house, inside or outside, to prevent the birds to get injured.

Choosing the Right Location

Once you got a well build blue bird house, then a good emplacement need to be found. Avoid placing the bird house in shady, humid spots. Blue birds like to be in front of open areas with grass and low vegetation. The entrance hole should be oriented to the south east, to keep the wind from coming straight into the front door. It is fine to put it in full sun and to attach it to a large tree, as long as the area in front of it is open.
click here to get bird house plans full guide